Membership Reports provide perinatal teams with the data they need to gain support for quality improvement priorities and monitor the impact of those efforts. The Core Reporting Package includes multiple levels of comparisons and extensive data on utilization, outcomes and 5-year trends.
Comparison data for all available metrics
- Peer subgroup
- Perinatal Center Database (PCDB)
- Trend database and national benchmarks
Whenever possible, the value of the comparative data is enhanced by case mix adjusting variables.
The comparison to hospitals with similar characteristics and patient acuity, identify potential areas of risk. Our ability to provide the patient cases helps hospitals to do a deep dive into their rates.
Core Membership Reporting Package
The Quarterly Report
The cornerstone of our membership reporting includes an extensive tabular and graphical display of financial, clinical and demographic data.
Includes comparative analyses for the following:
- Obstetrical Services
- All Neonatal Services
- Neonatal Special Care Services
- Linked Mother/Baby Analyses
- Perinatal Quality Indicators
- Five Year Trends
Perinatal Quality Improvement Dashboard
The Perinatal Quality Improvement Dashboard displays and tracks key performance indicators from the Quarterly Reports as well as five year trends with indications as to whether your hospital’s metrics are moving in a positive direction.
Quarterly Measure Snapshot
The Quarterly Measure Snapshot is a mid‐cycle report that complements to the Quarterly Report which provides internal hospital comparisons for over 20 key metrics using the hospital’s quarterly data submission.
Race & Ethnicity Dashboard
The Race & Ethnicity Dashboard profiles demographics of the patient population and select maternal and neonatal outcome measures by race and ethnicity.
Severe Maternal Morbidity Dashboard
The Severe Maternal Morbidity Dashboard is designed to track Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM). The overall rate and rate excluding blood transfusions are displayed for each measure, SMM, SMM Among Hemorrhage Cases, and SMM Among Preeclampsia Cases.

NPIC Membership Reports can help your hospital or system identify adverse events that could have been prevented or mitigated.
Data that informs is helpful; data that drives improvement is invaluable.
Add-On Enhanced Reporting

Adverse Outcome Index (AOI) Report
The Adverse Outcome Index (AOI) Report is designed to measure the volume and magnitude of ten adverse events (6 maternal and 4 neonatal) that may occur during the delivery process and could potentially expose an obstetrical team to malpractice liability.

Perinatal Service Line Report
The Perinatal Service Line Report is intended to help the system leadership quickly assess how the perinatal service line is performing; monitor volume and utilization by level of perinatal care, determine areas of concern or risk exposure; over time, determine whether system-wide initiatives are having an impact at the local level.