1985-1990 Milestones
NPIC incorporated as 501(C) 3 not for profit organization.
Completed the Impact of Changing Health Care Environment on Perinatal Health Study and hosted a national meeting of perinatal leaders to discuss problems confronting the regionalization of perinatal care. The meeting served as an impetus for the 1991 publication,Toward Improving the Outcome of Pregnancy: The 90’s and Beyond (TIOP II), which reinforced the recommendations outlined in “Toward Improving the Outcome of Pregnancy” issued by the Committee on Perinatal Health and the March of Dimes in 1976.
Completed DRG’s and Their Impact on Perinatal Regionalization Study identifying the impact of a new Medicare Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) reimbursement formula on the delivery and regionalization of perinatal care.
Completion of the NPIC survey of perinatal centers in the US. The survey was published in 1987 as the NPIC Perinatal Centers Directory.
1991-2000 Milestones
NPIC publishes Perinatal Health Strategies for the 21st Century, distributed by the National MCH Clearinghouse.
NPIC invited to hold a permanent seat on American Hospital Association’s (AHA) MCH Governing Council.
NPIC joins the National Committee of Perinatal Health sponsored by the March of Dimes.
Georgia Regional Perinatal Care Network Project awards NPIC contract to use GA Regional Perinatal Centers’ data to derive an equitable formula for distribution of state Medicaid funds to improve perinatal outcomes.
2001-2010 Milestones
With funding from the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, NPIC publishes the MFM Specialist Survey in The American Journal of Ob/Gyn (AJOG). Approximately two thousand MFM specialists across the country were surveyed.
NPIC included on The Joint Commission’s list of acceptable ORYX® vendors and approved to transmit data for the Perinatal Care (PC) core measure set.
Partnered with Beth Israel Hospital to collaborate on the Adverse Outcome Index (AOI). NPIC continues to work with the developers of the AOI for maintenance and updates.
NPIC awarded 5-year GSA MOBIS Schedule contract with three 5-year Option Periods.
Defense Health Agency (formerly Military Health System) awards NPIC 5 year Perinatal Performance Information Project contract.
2011-2021 Milestones
NPIC launches new Continuing Education Program, offering Contact Hour and CME credits.
The Defense Health Agency (DHA) continues funding for Perinatal Performance Information Project.
NPIC partners with ACOG’s Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) to reduce severe maternal morbidity.
NPIC expands data and research services, developing partnerships with Premier Consulting Solutions, Premier Insurance Management Services, Ariadne Labs and RTI.
NPIC is named as an Executive on the advisory panel for AIM 2.
The retirement of President, Janet Muri; and appointment of President, Elizabeth Rochin, PhD, RN, NE-BC.
NPIC plays a key role in the launch of the Rhode Island AIM Collaborative.
NPIC embarks on a race initiative with the goal of improving race data and reporting for member hospitals.
NPIC invited to participate in the first annual White House Maternal Health Day of Action.
NPIC facilitates the launch of the Perinatal Neonatal Quality Collaborative of Rhode Island.
NPIC launches an Industry Partner Program and welcomes Elemeno Health as our first partner.